# CMS Config and ENVs


CMS project currently supports 3 environments:

  • local - For development
  • localproduction - For development but with prod API
  • production - For production

# Config

App config can be found in config/appConfig.ts file.

# config.global

Key Description
global.app Few app related information.
global.domain Domain. For eg. own-store-demo-cms.vercel.app OR localhost:3002
global.baseUrl Base URL. For eg. https://own-store-demo-cms.vercel.app or http://localhost:3002
global.imageBaseUrl Cloudinary image base URL. For eg. https://res.cloudinary.com/your-store/image/upload. If you have mapped AWS S3 with Cloudinary, put that URL here. imageBaseUrl + image path (from DB) will render the image. Note: This is not for static images.
global.apiBaseUrl API base URL to connect to. For eg. http://localhost:3001.
global.webBaseUrl User-facing website URL. For eg. http://localhost:3000 or https://own-store-demo.vercel.app.
global.redirectToIndexViewAfterUpdate Whenever an entity is successfuly updated, do you want to redirect to its index page? This flag controls exactly that.
global.redirectToIndexViewAfterDelete Whenever an entity is successfuly deleted, do you want to redirect to its index page? This flag controls exactly that.
global.paginationFetchLimit How many items should be shown be fetched and shown per page during pagination.

# config.order

Key Description
order.recentOrders Config for recent orders page.
order.autoRefresh Enable auto refresh of new orders.
order.refreshIntervalInSeconds Control the refresh interval of recent orders.

# config.search

Key Description
search.limit How many results should be fetched and shown on search pages?

# config.image

Key Description
image.imageUploadDirectory While uploading images, a dropdown is shown to pick a directory. This mapping controls exactly the same.

# config.integrations

# config.integrations.cloudinary

Config for Cloudinary integration.

Key Description
integrations.cloudinary.cloudName Cloudinary clound name. Get this from dashboard. Eg. your-store.
integrations.cloudinary.uploadPresetName We are doing unsigned image upload, so we have to create a preset. Steps:
  • Navigate to Cloudinary console.
  • Scroll down to Upload presets section.
  • Create a preset and make sure it is unsigned.

# config.integrations.googleAnalytics

For Google analytics integration.

Key Description
integrations.googleAnalytics.enabled Use this flag to disable.
integrations.googleAnalytics.code GA code. Get this from dashboard.