# Website Commands

Let's discuss the possible commands this project supports

# sync:contract

This command assumes both CMS and API projects are siblings. Syncs API contracts.

npm run sync:contract

# lint

This command analyze the codebase for any linting or formatting issues.

npm run lint

# lint:fix

Same as lint but fixes the issues

npm run lint:fix

# script:generate-manifest

Generates a manifest file for the project.

npm run script:generate-manifest

# start:local

Starts the server on 3002 port using local env. Also syncs the contract.

npm run start:local

# start:localprod

Starts the server on 3002 port using localproduction env. Also syncs the contract.

npm run start:localprod

# build

Builds the entire project.

npm run build

# build:analyze

Builds the project and opens a UI to visualize the build size. Note: You will have to pass the ENV to start.

STORE_WEB_ENV=production npm run build:analyze

# start

This command can be used to start with build files. Note: You will have to pass the ENV to start.

STORE_WEB_ENV=local npm run start
STORE_WEB_ENV=production npm run start